Thursday, May 26, 2011

Strawberry Cream--French & English Recipes

Ma Fille made this for dessert last night and it was heavenly. As usual we didn't completely follow the recipe--we're rogue apron wearers my daughter and me. 
I hope you  like what we came up with. 

Crème aux Fraises

500g fraises fraîches
25 cl de crème fleurette
2 blancs d'œufs
100g de sucre
1 c. à soupe de jus de citron

Lavez, séchez les fraises et équeutez-les. Coupez-les en quatre et mettez-les dans le bol du mixeur avec le jus de citron. Mixez jusqu’à l'obtention d'une fine purée.

Mettez la crème fleurette très froide dans un saladier et plongez dans un grand récipient rempli de glaçons. Fouettez au fouet électrique à vitesse moyenne. Ajoutez le sucre et mixez tout.

Montez les blancs d'œufs en neige très ferme à vitesse moyenne. Mélangez délicatement la purée de fraise et incorporez les blancs en neige. 

Répartissez la mousse dans 6 coupes à champagne et réservez au réfrigérateur jusqu’au moment de servir. 

Strawberry Cream 

1 1/2 cups fresh strawberries
1 cup or 1/2 pint of cream--in the US you should use half & half but in the UK use the type of cream you'd use to make custard or creme anglaise
2 egg whites
1/2 c sugar
1 tablespoon lemon juice

Wash, dry and hull the strawberries. Cut them into quarters and put them in the bowl of a mixer with the lemon juice. Ma Fille used our handy dandy hand-held mixer for this. Mix to a fine puree.

Put the very cold cream into a bowl and then place that bowl in a bigger bowl full of ice. Mix the cream with an electric mixer on medium speed until firm. Add in the sugar and mix well.

Whip the egg whites until they are stiff with your electric mixer. Add the strawberry puree into the cream and then gently fold in the beaten egg whites.

Spoon the mousse into 6 champagne flutes and put them in the refrigerator until just ready to serve.


  1. How cute is that photos of Littlest! Love the lip smacking. It's definitely a seal of approval x

  2. Yum! I'll definitely be trying. I love fruit desserts!

    Thanks again for entering the Hidden in France book are one of the winners! Congratulations!
    I'll be contacting you by email to get your mailing address.


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