Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Uplifting Turquoise

We talk a lot about favorite colors around here. The Littlest loves it and it helps him to learn colors in French and English. Plus it's just fun. We have daily conversations that go something like this, 'look at the sky! It's pwurwple,your favorite color!' That's to Ma Fille.

There's also this,'My favorite color is choc-o-lat!' He gets his favorite foods and colors confused. Which is kind of understandable since he used to love orange.

The Middlest prefers green and P-Daddy loves blue. I'm a fan of a happy combination of my two hunks' faves--fresh, clean, vibrant and warm turquoise.

{provence, larsonphoto}

{provence, larsonphoto}

It's perfect for cheering up any space and is the perfect blend of water, sun and air. Just what I need today as I type from under my bedcovers.

What's your favorite color?

Monday, February 27, 2012

Slumber Party in Aix

We shared some things while I was away in Aix.
We shared laughs, embarrassing stories, wooly jumpers and, as it turns out, la grippe.

I'm hoping that it's not really and truly la grippe but rather more of a mild ache with allergy symptoms.

I will push it down deep, pretend I'm fine and try to get on with it.
But in a more subdued way; Monday grocery shopping was done online at E.Leclerc Drive that you all know so much about, the laundry is hanging a bit longer on the line between washes, Clementine's walk took the shorter circuit and I'm going to use the afternoon to get started on the first season of The Good Wife.

Thank goodness the kids went back to school today. P-Daddy tried to convince me to let him work from home but I had none of it. I don't want him to get sick. You know what that would mean. See here in case you don't.

As for the night away, we had so much fun gabbing and laughing, sometimes with snorts, that no one really took any photos. Here's one good one that a fellow diner happily snapped.

 And here's one on Delana's sunshiny roof terrace.
Sara took one of us walking to the restaurant SATC style but she's got the flu so it may take awhile to see it.
I do not have the flu. Only allergies with mild aches. I'm sticking to that until I can't anymore.

Off to watch tv. Don't tell anyone.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Aix-en-Provence Quick Getaway

I'm off to spend the afternoon and evening hanging out in Aix-en-Provence with Kirsty, Sara and Delana.
We are all bunking at Delana's, slumber-party-style, and I am looking forward to it. I'll tell you all about it on Monday. If I'm not sworn to secrecy.

 P-Daddy is in charge.

wonder what will happen
while i'm gone?

Do you ever have quick weekend getaways with girlfriends?

Bon weekend a tous!
Aidan x

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Liebster Blog Award

I am delighted. And appreciative. And happy that I put my 'followers' box back on my blog. It was hovering in the 90s so I removed it for awhile.

And then I put it back and the fabulously French Veronique of French Girl in Seattle saw it and included me in her list of five blogs that she thinks deserve more followers. Guess what? Now I have 101!

Thanks to each and every one hundred and one of you for liking my blog enough to put your face on it. I also appreciate those of ya'll who have my posts sent to a reader. Subscribers are cool.

And now I get to share five of my favorite bloggers whose blogs I think you'd like to add your face to. It was fun to read through my favorites, find links to new places and discover new blogs to follow. I hope you like my list.

The Liebster goes to....

1. Lost in Arles. I just recently found this blog and I was hooked. Not only does Heather have a Golden cousin of Clementine's but she's smart and writes beautiful posts accompanied with beautiful photographs. She's someone you'd like to invite to lunch.

2. Cat at Fil de la Vie. I always tell Cat that I think she's the real deal and that more people should know it. She's a talented cook, photographer, designer and writer. Like I said, the real deal. Have a look and see for yourself.

3. Femme au Foyer. Liene is American but of Latvian heritage. She often shares Latvian recipes, traditions and sometimes the language which she and her husband still speak. She's a new mommy to her second adorable little boy and her blog is full of warmth and love as well as some great foodie posts.

4. Under a Pink Moon. First of all, I love the name. It's what made me have a look in the first place. And what I found didn't disappoint. This is a thoughtful blog about life, style, love, design and being a mom. I'm glad to have found it and look forward to Estelle's next post to pop into my reader.

5. Michael of Je Parle Americain. This is one of those blogs that when I found it I thought, 'where have you been all my expat life?'. It's funny, charming, entertaining and smart. I love it. There are about a gazillion Paris blogs out there but Michael's goes beyond the standard 'moved to Paris, fell in love, eat croissants'.

If you'd like to keep the love of the little blog that could going all you have to do is place the award on your blog and send it on to five more that you think deserve more attention. 'I think I can, I think I can'., that's what my blog says as it chugs up the hills of blogland.

Bisous a tous,

Monday, February 20, 2012

Sunshine Day

{so. happy.}

I can happily report that the temperature has started to rise here in the South of France. We have turned down the fuel guzzling furnace and opened up the shutters and doors to 'turn the air'.

{his feet aren't touching the ground}

Aside from a minor incident of burst communal garden pipes everything is turning up around here. Plus, my 70+ year old neighbor who helped me with the burst pipe told me I was adorable. That's always nice. I keep replaying it in my head, 'Vous ĂȘtes adorable'. Right up there with the charming P-Daddy if you ask me. The French are so flirty!

{my idea of heaven}

To celebrate all this sunshine and happiness I took the boys and Clementine to the beach last week. Clementine wore herself out fetching sticks and shells and frolicking in the waves.

{serious frolicking}

The boys and I basked in the warm sun and dreamed of warmer days when we can swim too.

{'in ireland i'd be swimming'}

I hope it's warming up where you are too.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

French Sunday Lunch

What are your plans for this weekend? Can I interest you in a Sunday lunch, French style?
{medieval lunch break Sommieres, France}

Back when P-Daddy and I were newlyweds living in a little bungalow in Austin I decided to have a French lunch with our friends. Our honeymoon in France was still fresh in my mind and I'd romanticized the ease and beauty of a long lunch with friends. I'd tasted French food, drank French wine and seen how the French sat for hours at the table, eating, talking, enjoying it all and I wanted to recreate that quintessentially French feeling at home.

I made lamb with roasted red pepper sauce, mashed black olive potatoes and bought what I probably thought was expensive, good wine. We ate outside on our little wooden deck and pretended we were in the South of France.

Fourteen years later, I'm here. For real. (pinch)
{one of our first lunches in france}

We went to Mme & Msr Avion's house for lunch a few weeks ago and the Bon Amies came too.
If you have an inkling of what sitting down to lunch in a French house is like then it would have all happened there that Sunday. At least that's how it was for me and P-Daddy. We arrived at noon and left at 6pm, happily bubbly and full on laughter as well as delicious food.
I started thinking about how much The Lunch is a part of French culture, and how darn good they are at it and I wanted to share some ways to recreate a French lunch at your house, any day of the week. Here's how.

Serve something small to nibble when your guests arrive. And by this I actually mean small, like a bowl of cherry tomatoes with crunchy sea salt.
Offer a proper cocktail. It's noon and you may not think about drinking spirits at noon but it is nice and it works to make everyone loose and hungry for the meal ahead. We had a rum drink but you could be creative and make something fabulous like a specialty martini with fresh herbs. Just one.

Next, feed the children. Yep, all the children are welcome too. Just set up a table for them Thanksgiving style and feed them first, sipping on your cocktail and chatting while kid needs are negotiated. There were seven children at our lunch and they ate a four course meal while we had our chat and cocktail. When finished they were full and happy and took off to play together for the next four hours.

{french table linens}

Now it's time for lunch.
This is where simplicity becomes crucial.
I don't know about you but as an American I feel like I have to serve loads. We are raised on having a lot of sides, a lot of options, a lot of everything at the table all at once. This makes it more difficult on the host because we've got to either prepare or buy and arrange and it all has to be ready at the same time.
You know what I'm talking about. Just thinking of this hassle and stress can suck the fun right out of hosting a big, lazy lunch.

This is the French secret. Don't do too much. But make what you do delicious.

Pick one starter or entrée.
We had sliced baguette served on a bread board with a platter of cured ham and specialty pĂątĂ©. There was a little dish of pickles and another of marinated eggplant and that was it. With this we opened the first of three bottles of wine; a beautiful St Paul Bordeaux from Msr Avion's cave. The French are not showy. But they do love to impress with wine. And if you know your Margaux from your Chateauneuf, you can nod and say, 'mmmmm, very nice' and appreciate that your host is sharing something special with you. 
{market saucisson}

Now to the main. Or plat. It is usually only one dish. No sides.
We had a delicious mildly curried shrimp stew served simply with rice. This is what the children had too. One pot on the stove, easy to keep warm and absolutely delicious. With this we had a white Alsace wine that went perfectly with the shrimp and curry. Bottle number two. 

Mme Avion offered a simple arugula salad with balsamic dressing after the main but everyone was too full. We sat and talked and laughed and told funny stories of language mistakes, like the time P-Daddy basically said he wanted to sleep with Mme Bon Amie, and sensational comparison books like Mireille and Pamela's.

Then came the cheese.We had five different cheeses on a board with three different cheese knives. One Roquefort bleu, one medium goat, one sheep's milk, one hard cow cheese from the Alps, Beaufort and another medium texture cow cheese from the Cantal mountains, Cantal entre doux. We opened the bottle of red Languedoc wine we brought to go with the cheese.

The kids ran around and finally wore themselves out enough to watch a movie while we continued chatting.

Dessert was an egg custard flan with prunes from Msr Avion's origins in Brittany. It's called a Far Breton and the recipe is here. It was delicious and not too sweet and a bit like English food which makes sense because of where it's from, doesn't it?

After it all we finished with a digestif of Armagnac.
There's a popular mint flavored digestif that our friends enjoy called Get 27, pronounced Jet Vingt-Sept so it rhymes. It is super strong and kind of like mouthwash but they swear by its magic properties to 'push the food down' and help you sleep after a long meal.

P-Daddy and I felt like we'd hit the French lunch jackpot. It was one of the best days we've spent, made so much more enjoyable by the warm fire, the happiness of the children and the conversation. It is possible to have conversation in French now and that makes us feel as giddy and light-headed as the wine.  

Do you feel inspired, hungry, French?
Here's a sample menu for your own French Sunday lunch.

Herbed Lemonade with Gin 
Charcuterie Platter of Coarse Pùté and Saucisson Sec with cornichons and pickled onions
Salmon with Leeks & Lentils 
Simple salad of rocket/arugula or watercress dressed in homemade oil and vinegar
A Cheese Platter like this one from Chez Loulou
Lemon Yogurt Cake

Don't forget the wine and digestif or a small decaffeinated coffee to finish.

I hope all your lunches are long and lazy and delicious.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Somebody's Sarkozy Is Cozy

I don't know about you but I can't think 'Sarkozy' and not think 'cozy'. So much so that's it's kind of a joke in our  house....'let's get all Sarkozy on the sofa.'

Last week I spent the day with the Middlest's class and I heard one child say to another, 'Tu as un petit Sarkozy dans ton slip!'. I wondered. Did I hear that correctly? Did he just say what I thought he said?

And then I had to admit that yes. He in fact did say, 'You have a little Sarkozy in your underwear!'. Now. Sarkozy is small. Petit. And apparently not very popular in this rather linguistically gifted child's family.
Getting 'Sarkozy' has a whole new meaning.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

We don't really do the whole chocolates and flowers thing around here.
I learned early on that P-Daddy is more of a spontaneous romantic, eschewing the manufactured love of this over merchandised holiday. 
i <3 u (theaearl)
And I say, that's cool. Or at least I pretend to.....but what I really do is hope that he'll surprise me by doing something romantically unlike him. Maybe present me with a clever little love note or make me a bubble bath or carve my likeness into a French triple milled soap...well, not really. That would be taking it too far. Romance can get creepy.

Lucky for me (and him) he has announced that he wants to cook dinner tonight to be enjoyed Ă  deux. I am delighted. And curious. And glad that I like steak and fries.

Valentine's Day love is that fleeting, romantic first spark of passion. And that's not to be missed.
Every Day love warms you up with its slow burn, spreads outward to your children and feels good when you get in bed with freezing cold feet.
I'll take it any day.

In honor of my four true loves I made a little love heart board for you to enjoy here.

I saw this painted mug project on Sarah Fritzler's blog via DesignMom. She painted her favorite quotes from Jane Austen books onto coffee and chocolat chaud mugs. This is my favorite one. Romantic.
This then, made me think of some of my favorite lines from romantic songs. I thought I'd share a few with you. What are some of yours?

'Fall like a sparrow, fly like a dove. You must be the dream I've been dreaming of.' Don Williams

'In other words. I. Love. ... You.' Frank Sinatra

'Let your love come tumbling down. If you let your love come tumbling down, It's alright.' Van Morrison

'You make me smile with my heart.' Chet Baker

'Breathe out so I can breathe you in.'Foo Fighters

'Sunlight shimmering love.' Counting Crows

'Light in my head and you in my arms.' Waterboys

'Passionate kisses, passionate kisses, passionate kisses...from you.' Mary Chapin Carpenter

I painted one onto a porcelain mug for P-Daddy as a little surprise for later but in true Aidan fashion it turned out kinda wonky. See for yourself.

In other words...
i love you

Do you have romantic or purposefully unromantic plans for today?

Monday, February 13, 2012

Cinnamon Chicken + Some More Stuff

The past week was filled up with three things: the cold, the birthday and the absence.
You know it's been cold so I won't go into it. I will though tell you how one of two things is happening.
Either all my non-stop eating has cushioned me with interior quilting or it is warming up. I certainly hope it's the second option and that the padding is all in my mind.

The birthday party was Friday night and was a whopping, screaming, giggling success. I'll tell you all about it in a post to come. Suffice it to say, French girls scream and giggle just as loud as American girls.

And third, P-Daddy was gone and we were all a bit more than lonely for him. He spent the week in Las Vegas, that bizarre reality vacuum of forced oxygen and big buffets so I couldn't be too jealous.

But I always have an untethered feeling when I'm over here on another continent with our three children and a dog while everyone else in my family is in North America.

It's warming up (hope), she's officially ten years old, and P-Daddy is back in Europe.
Happy days.

Here's one of our favorite weeknight chicken recipes. I wanted to share it with you because it was the requested birthday dish this year, it will warm you up and it's cinnamony and red for all you lovers out there.

Sorry there aren't any photos from our cinnamon chicken night but if you make it you can share yours with me here.
I'd love to see them.
oprah.com cat cora's cinnamon chicken

Cinnamon Chicken
adapted by me from Cat Cora's recipe

6 or so chicken thighs; skin on, bone-in
1 tsp ground cinnamon
2 tsp kosher salt
1 tsp fresh black pepper
3 cloves garlic
2 tblsp olive oil
1 medium yellow onion
2 cups water or half water/half white wine
6 oz can tomato paste

Dry the chicken thighs thoroughly with paper towels.
Mix the cinnamon, salt and pepper together to make a rub for the dried off chicken.
Pat the spices into both sides of the thighs.

Heat a skillet with olive oil until very hot.
Place the chicken skin side down into the hot oil. I cover mine with a skillet screen I bought at IKEA because I can't stand all that splattering.

Leave the chicken there for up to five minutes without touching it at all. 
After five minutes turn your chicken and leave to sit another five minutes. It will be spitting and splattering and going nuts. That's good.

While this is all happening peel and chop your onion and garlic.

After the chicken has cooked for about 10 minutes remove it from the pan to a warm plate. There will be tons of chicken fat in the bottom of the skillet. Swipe a handful of paper towels around the skillet to remove the majority of it. But be very careful as it is incredibly hot. No children nearby for this part.

Put the onion and garlic into the skillet and scrape with a wooden spoon to release all the good bits.
Stir all the goodness together and let soften for three or so minutes over a medium heat.

Remove the cooked onion and garlic to a small saucepan.

Put the chicken back into the skillet and return to a medium heat.
I saw Jamie Oliver cook chicken thighs the way I'm going to describe here on one of his 30 Minute Meals shows and had to try it.

*Heat a skillet one size smaller than the one your chicken is in.
*Cover your browned chicken with wax paper and then put the smaller, warmed skillet right on top.
*Put a heavy saucepan inside the smaller skillet to weigh it down.
This will press the chicken down and continue to brown and cook it while you make the sauce.

To reiterate: big, chicken filled skillet on bottom, wax paper layer, smaller hot but empty skillet on top and then something heavy to weigh it down. Got that? Sounds weird but I promise it works.

In the saucepan with the cooked onion and garlic, add the tomato paste and water or water/wine combo and let simmer away until thickened a bit. The longer you can leave this sauce the richer and tastier it will be. I like it to get a bit on the thick side--up to 12 minutes.

When you're happy with your sauce, dismantle the chicken skillet business and  pour it over the chicken in the skillet and leave it to come together for about five minutes or so.

I like to plate one or two chicken thighs with a mound of fluffy white rice dolloped with the sauce and a side of green beans. 
Warm, delicious plates of love for your family.
If I don't talk to you tomorrow I wish you Happy Valentine's Day.

cinnamon love hearts google image

Friday, February 10, 2012

Happy Birthday

Ma Fille is 10 years old. Double digits.

Thanks to her I've been a mother for ten years and have learned and loved more than I ever thought possible a decade ago.

In my usual way of honoring the kids' birthdays, here are ten things I love about Ma Fille.

1) In almost every single photo of her from birth to now, she is smiling. I love her smile.

2) She is a Daddy's girl.

3) This year has seen her really come out of her shell at school; speaking up in class, being 'scribe' and writing on the board, making strong friendships and navigating girldom.

4) She loves baking and does so regularly on her own even baking the oatmeal raisin cookies and coconut macaroons she took to school to share.

5) She's on the final Harry Potter book.

6) She fell off a horse and was terrified but got back on the same day anyway. Then she rode the same horse again with confidence and elegance even though she was scared. And now she carries herself perfectly; knowing her strength and respecting that of the animal.

7) Her French is beautiful, fluent and nuanced.

8) She wakes up early just to read. I often find her engrossed in a book before school and Saturday cartoons.

9) She's only just started to think that all boys, and by this I mean only one boy and only because she thinks he's smart, aren't gross and stinky. Benefits of younger brothers.

10) She is lovely and confident and witty; a breath of fresh, giggly air in the life of our family.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

It's Cold in the South of France

Apparently it's been on the news. Maybe not as much as the new American in Paris parenting book, but hey.

You've heard it's cold over here in Europe haven't you? You've heard about the snow in London and Paris and the Siberian winds blowing all the way down to the Mediterranean coast of France, right?
If not, let me tell you. It's been cold. Cold like temperatures of -9 degrees C in the mornings with highs of 2.

Cold like my Texas girl bones have never felt.
And there's a reason for that. It sucks.

To battle this I've learned how to build a fantastic fire. Bought one thousand euros worth of fuel for the heating system (ouch!) and started wearing my purple Land's End fleece pyjamas all the time. Stylish.

As I looked out the window at my deserted terrace and tiny pool all covered up and sad, I thought, 'how could it look and feel so incredibly different from season to season?'

Again, we're from Texas where seasons last a few days--unless you're talking about hot ones.
And so I decided to warm things up by sharing some summertime photographs.

Isn't it just like having a nice, crackling fire.
I feel almost happy.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Happy Birthday Sara Louise

If I were to make a friend from scratch she'd have to be funny, smart, love France, Ireland and Texas as much as me, enjoy boxed wine, make me think about things differently and stay up late to talk about the real stuff after every one else has gone to bed.

Happy Birthday Sara! You are all of these things and more. 
Je t'adore.

I hope you like these virtual birthday presents.
I picked them especially for you.

Your first present. A beautiful pair of Louboutins. Peep-toe and sky high in glitter, naturally.
Present number two, while we're deep into fantasy birthday land is:

why not, right?

And finally, a little bit of this...a lovely villa on the French Riviera.


Sunday, February 5, 2012

Cauliflower, Bacon & Sage Pasta

Real Simple magazine is one of my favorites from home. I can't get a subscription over here in France but I do subscribe to them online and receive email updates of their best recipes. They're not paying me to say this but I wish they would, uh-hum, maybe in a free, European delivery of each month's magazine.

One of the best things about these email updates is that you can 'Pin' the recipes straight from the site.
I see something I'd like to try, that I think the kids will enjoy and that uses seasonal ingredients and rather than printing out the recipe or bookmarking and hoping I remember where or what it was, I just pin it. I wish all my favorite sites had this feature.

I've written about my love of the addictive Pinterest before and most of you have probably gotten hooked too.There are so many great ways to use the site. You can find all my recipe pins on my 'What's For Dinner?' Pinterest board.
There's a little red button over there on the left too.

my chou-fleur, lardons and sage pasta
I've made this recipe twice in the last two weeks; once with the bacon as the recipe calls for and once without it. My kids loved both.
They are on a super cauliflower or chou-fleur kick at the moment. Let's face it, chou-fleur is more fun to say.
The French love chou-fleur and make delicious dishes like gratins and fried, puffed beignets with it during the winter season.

This one is a hit all around.
I hope you try it and like it as much as The Middlest did!

Cauliflower, Bacon & Sage Pasta
adapted from Real Simple Recipes

  • 12 ounces spaghetti
  • slices bacon or 1 packet smoked lardons
  • 1 tablespoon dried sage
  • small head cauliflower (about 1 1/2 pounds), cut into small florets
  • kosher salt and black pepper
  • 3/4 cup grated pecorino (3 ounces)
  1. Cook the pasta according to the package directions. Drain, reserving ¾ cup of the cooking water, and return the pasta to the pot.
  2. Meanwhile, cook the bacon in a large skillet over medium-high heat until crisp, 6 to 8 minutes. Transfer to a paper towel-lined plate and crumble.
  3. Add the sage to the drippings in the skillet and cook over medium heat, stirring well, 1 to 2 minutes.
  4. Add the cauliflower, ¼ cup water, and salt and pepper to sage and drippings in the skillet and cook, covered, for 2 minutes.
  5. Uncover and cook, tossing frequently, until golden and tender, 3 to 4 minutes more.
  6. Add the reserved pasta water and ½ cup pecorino to the pasta; toss until creamy. 
  7. Add the cauliflower, sage, and bacon and toss. Sprinkle with remaining pecorino.
By Kate Merker,  March 2010

Middlest likes it

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

P-Daddy, the Charmant

Some days you just feel irritated. I know I do, so please if you are one of those people who never feels annoyed and miserable for no apparent reason, keep it to yourself.

Today's grumps may have been caused by the cold weather.
march 2010 sommieres france
I don't know if you know this about me, but I Do Not Like to be Cold. I try to be all bundled up, toasty, happy snuggly about it but it's really all a lie. I like to be warm from the sun, not a radiator.
As for the bundled up bit, I prefer a swimsuit.

Cold and grumpy and looking for someone to take it out on; that was me today.

this is how i feel when i'm cold
Luckily, P-Daddy was working from home so my irritation had somewhere to land.

Lucky too that he has broad shoulders and the right attitude for when having to wear too many layers gets me down.
As Sara says, 'Dude, he's just like Crush from Finding Nemo'. And it's true. Ya'll know it's true.

I ran him off today, back to the office where there isn't a mad, cold wife on the loose and three small children spying with walkie-talkies. I was glad when he left, thinking, 'sure, just go. do that duck and cover thing you men do so well. i'll have this warm, toasty office all to myself.'

And then I started to think about how his calm, cool state of being really irritates me more. This wasn't a good path so I took a right turn onto the one where I appreciate how different we are and vow to take a bit of that coolness for myself.

Love is mostly about choices, people.

This got me thinking about the nice things he does. Like the other morning when our heater wasn't working and he brought me coffee in bed because he knows how much I hate to wake up to the cold. Are you getting the theme here?

I also remembered a cute, funny one that I have been meaning to tell you about.

When we were on the train to Paris last month, an elderly Madame got on the train,  battling with her suitcase. Without missing a beat, P-Daddy hopped up from his cozy seat and motioning in a nice, helpful way, offered to put her case in the hold area at the end of the train car. She smiled and said thank you, oh, thank you so much. She held onto her coat and another small bag while he whisked the big one away.

When he returned she handed over the coat and carry-on sized bag with a demur smile. Of course he took them and went back to the luggage area to deposit them with the first bag. While he was gone, she arranged herself, scent and scarf settling into the space across from us. She looked over at me and with a sly smile said, 'Il est vraiment charmant.' 'He is truly charming.'

me and mr charming
Three hours later, when we arrived in Paris, P-Daddy the charming, stood to collect Madame's things. She beamed at me again, nodded and simply turned and got off the train.
She knew he was handling it. She was waiting on the platform for us when we got off and pressed two Ferrer-Rocher candies into the palm of P-Daddy's gloved hand as he delivered her luggage.

We smiled and walked away, nibbling on the yummy chocolates as we went, when another woman, a younger version of Madame, approached P-Daddy, 'Merci beaucoup for helping my mother with her things.You are very kind.' Oooo, la la! P-Daddy. Word travels fast.

I'll admit it. You are quite charmant.

Come on back. It's not as frosty around here as it was.